
Applejack festival 2015 nebraska city
Applejack festival 2015 nebraska city

applejack festival 2015 nebraska city

Tree starters are dis­trib­uted to the atten­dees, as well as tons of candy! Since the first Arbor Day cel­e­bra­tion to the present day, Nebras­ka City has cel­e­brat­ed with a parade down the main street where area mid­dle school and high school bands come to per­form. April was cho­sen to cor­re­late with Sterling’s birth­day, and sev­er­al pres­i­dents since then have declared Arbor Day a nation­al hol­i­day on the last Fri­day in April. Ster­ling saw the agri­cul­tur­al and eco­nom­i­cal ben­e­fits of plant­i­ng trees, and in 1872 he con­vinced the Nebras­ka Board of Agri­cul­ture to estab­lish a spe­cif­ic hol­i­day for every­one to join in plant­i­ng trees. Mor­ton Ster­ling, the founder of Arbor Day, migrat­ed to the Nebras­ka Ter­ri­to­ry in 1854, where he lat­er became the Sec­re­tary of Nebras­ka Ter­ri­to­ry. Lisa: What would you like to tell our read­ers about your community? Arbor Day FarmĪlice: Nebras­ka City, Nebras­ka is home to the nation­al hol­i­day Arbor Day, cel­e­brat­ed every year the last Fri­day in April.

applejack festival 2015 nebraska city

This month’s jour­ney takes us to Nebras­ka City Mid­dle School in Nebras­ka City, Nebras­ka, where Lisa talks with Media Spe­cial­ist Alice Harrison. Bookol­o­gy is delight­ed to cel­e­brate the work of these edu­ca­tors who have built vital book encamp­ments in the tran­si­tion­al ter­ri­to­ry of ear­ly adolescence.

applejack festival 2015 nebraska city

Each month, Bookol­o­gy colum­nist Lisa Bullard will vis­it the Mid­dle King­dom by view­ing it through the eyes of a teacher or librar­i­an. The books that most delight mid­dle school and junior high read­ers often strad­dle a “Mid­dle King­dom” rang­ing from upper mid­dle grade to YA. Mid­dle King­dom: Nebras­ka City, Nebraska

Applejack festival 2015 nebraska city